The Maxillofacial Unit in Halmstad (Maxuh)
The Maxillofacial Unit in Halmstad (Maxuh) provides specialised maxillofacial services for implantology including advanced bonegrafting techniques, advanced paediatric, periodontal, stomatognathic and preventive & community services for a population of 300.000. The Maxuh is organized within the Swedish health care-system with an excellent reputation for medical services, postgraduate training, courses and clinical research.
The Maxuh, with its regional specialities on site and at the satellite Hospital of Varberg, 80 km north of Halmstad guarantees a high standard of care, coupled with oral health services, education and research.

Maxillofacial Unit - Halmstad Hospital 13A - SE-301 85 Halmstad - Sweden

Phone: +46 35-13 40 00
Fax: +46 35- 13 40 64

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