Cure Burning Mouth Syndrome
Cure Burning Mouth Syndrome
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I had suffered from (BMS) for almost a year and was really mad because I could not eat my favorite spicy food any more along with salsa on my tacos (LOL). Oh well those days are gone after much research and seeing several good doctors.

I know how annoying this desease or infection what ever it may be is to anyone and I have searched the internet and have not seen a definitive answer as to how to cure it.
SO thats where I come in. The answer is BAKING SODA thats right BAKING SODA!

The last doctor I saw recommended me to rinse my mouth with 1/2 cup of water and add 1 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda mix and rinse. Rinse 3 times a day

Make sure you dont eat anything spicy or anything that will iritate your tongue or infected area for atleast a week.

When the pain from BMS has settled down a bit what you do is put a little bit of toothpaste on your toothbrush and then sprinkle BAKING SODA on top so it covers it then with your brush, brush all that BAKING SODA into infected area

If done properly and you take care for at least a week and doing rinsing & brushing 3 times a day you might have the same result as me, being able to enjoy spicy food once again, and aliviate yourself from the harsh pain of Burning Mouth Syndrome I hope this helps

Posted by Beprot at 8:11 AM
Alice N says: 2009-09-16 22:20:24
Is the BMS still under control? Are you using the baking soda still? I am trying it but so far I still am very bothered by BMS. I think it is a type of neuropothy. Mine started after dental work. Anyone out there who has tried anything else? Thanks for the suggestion and it does help some.

Lowan says: 2010-02-14 18:44:02
Hi, I am really interested in your very positive response to Baking soda. I hope that you still check this site as I''d love to know how long after commencing rinses your pain abated and has it stayed away??

Thanks Lowan

Debbie says: 2010-03-20 13:40:29
I have suffered from BMS for about 7 months now. My doctor has put me on Lyrica and Cymbalta. This has helped calm down the BMS - I still have pain but not anywhere near what it was before. I''m going to start trying the baking soda also. I started back brushing with regular toothpase but I think I''ll go back to baking soda. I started drinking coffee again - but I really need to stop. Chewing sugarless gum really helps. I chew alot. This really sucks, but what can I do. I make the best out of each day - I only get one life and I''m not going to let this get me down.


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