What is Burning Mouth Syndrome and how it can be treated?
What is Burning Mouth Syndrome and how it can be treated?
January 13, 2009
Burning mouth syndrome is an oral concern that causes burning pain in the mouth affecting the tongue, gums and the inside of the mouth. Usually the pain is chronic and has no apparent cause. Sometimes the pain is severe and unbearable. Burning mouth syndrome is also known as scalded mouth syndrome, burning lips syndrome and glossodynia. Some of the symptoms of this oral condition include increased thirst, a burning sensation in the tongue, sore mouth and acidic mouth taste. Although the real cause of this condition cannot be known, some other health concerns may trigger the problem, such as stomach disorders, hormonal imbalance and stress or anxiety.
Some strong medicines such as antibiotics may also contribute to a dry and painful mouth. You can try changing or discontinuing certain medicines to see if this has any effect on the burning condition of the mouth. Some other pain relieving drugs may also be prescribed by the doctor to help lessen the soreness and irritation. In some cases when the cause is known, the other problem is treated first to cure the burning mouth syndrome. Inactive thyroid may also be a cause of this problem and therefore sometimes the doctor suggests seeing a thyroid specialist to pinpoint the main cause of burning mouth syndrome.
This oral concern may be confused with dry mouth or xerostomia which has different symptoms and causes. Dry mouth usually occurs as a side effect of certain drugs such as antidepressants. Dry mouth is not as much painful or irritating as compared to burning mouth syndrome which triggers severe pain and discomfort. In women the major cause of a burning mouth may be depression, anxiety and other psychological conditions. So, there is a need to address these problems before prescribing anything for the oral condition. Some researchers have also suggested that certain dental procedures may set off burning or dry mouth such as tooth extractions.
Not drinking enough water or not rinsing the mouth properly may also cause dry mouth which develops into its more severe form as a result of neglected oral hygiene. Your doctor may prescribe certain tests to diagnose the condition properly before suggesting any treatment. Sometimes the cause of such a condition is hormonal imbalance which can be detected through appropriate blood tests. Certain types of antioxidants may help control the problem and in some cases cognitive therapy might be required. In addition to these, some vitamins and mouth washes rich in fluoride and antiseptics are also prescribed to patients of burning mouth syndrome to alleviate pain.
Burning mouth syndrome affects women more than men, probably because women are often the victims of psychological disorders and hormonal imbalance. It may also cause depression and sleeplessness due to the chronic pain and irritation that won’t go away. Antidepressants are given to such patients to help lessen the effects of this oral condition. Some home remedies are also helpful and effective, such as avoiding tobacco products and citrus and other acidic fruits. In addition to these, drinking a lot of water and other liquids may also help in curing this irritating and painful oral condition.
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