UCSF School of Dentistry
521 Parnassus Avenue
Clinical Sciences, C-646
San Francisco, CA 94143-0658
Phone number(s):
415-514-2862 (fax)
Days/hours of operation:
Monday - Thursday
9:00AM-12:00PM 1:30PM-4:30PM
Click here to open directions from the Marin and the East Bay in a new browser window (Adobe Acrobat PDF)
Click here to open directions from the South Bay in a new browser window (Adobe Acrobat PDF)
Attending Faculty:
ǃ¢ Director: Caroline Shiboski, DDS, MPH, PhD
ǃ¢ Troy Daniels, DDS, MS
ǃ¢ Deborah Greenspan, BDS, DSc
ǃ¢ Francina Lozada-Nur, DDS, MS, MPH
ǃ¢ Sol Silverman, MA, DDS
ǃ¢ Ava Wu, DDS
Volunteer Faculty:
ǃ¢ John Robinson, MA, DDS
ǃ¢ Rocelle Maliksi, RN, DDS
ǃ¢ Nita Wu, DMD, MPH
ǃ¢ Patrick Gee, DDS
Post Graduate Clinicians:
ǃ¢ Sivappiriyai Veluppillai, DDS
The center, which was founded in 1956, comprises several specialty outpatient clinics that provide world-renowned expertise in the diagnosis and management of oral diseases such as:
ǃ¢ Oral cancer and pre-cancerous lesions
ǃ¢ Inflammatory muco-cutaneous diseasese.g., lichen planus, pemphigus, pemphigoid
ǃ¢ Burning mouth syndrome
ǃ¢ Aphthous ulcers
ǃ¢ Infectious diseases
ǃ¢ HIV oral diseases
ǃ¢ Sj??gren's syndrome
Outstanding and efficient biopsy specimen examination through the UCSF Oral Pathology Service
Laser management of oral lesions such as intra-oral warts
Pre-radiation oral health consultation of patients with cancer of the head & neck
Oral medicine consultations for patients in UCSF hospitals
Special instructions for new patients:
If you belong to an HMO or PPO or other insurance that requires pre-authorization before seeing a specialist, please obtain the authorization before appearing for your visit, even if your dentist is referring you. If a pre-authorization is required by your plan, and you do not obtain it prior to your visit, you will be required to pay for your consultation up front.
Please bring all records related to previous treatment of these conditions.
Special instructions for referring providers:
Please send all patient records including clinical presentation and tentative diagnosis.
If the patient has medical insurance, please have the patient arrange authorization prior to their visit. Please include authorizing telephone, fax, and email when possible.
Referral Form:Click here to download the Stomatology Clinical Center's Referral Form as an Adobe Acrobat file. (Click here to download the free Adobe Acrobat reader.)
