Professor Crispian Scully CBE
Professor Crispian Scully CBE
Eastman Dental Institute
256 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8LD
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7915 1038
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7915 1039
Professor Scully is Honorary Consultant at University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, and at the European Institute for Oncology, Milan and has been Honorary Consultant at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, the Royal Free Hospital, London and at the Horizon Trust for Learning Disability, and Clinical Director of the Eastman Dental Hospital 1995-1996.
Professor Scully is President-Elect of the British Society for Disability and Oral Health, and has been President of the European Association of Oral Medicine and President of the British Association of Oral Medicine. His clinical expertise is mainly in Oral Medicine, especially oral problems in systemic diseases, ulceration, pain and white lesions, and in the oral health care of patients with Special Needs. He is a registered Specialist in Surgical Dentistry and in Oral Surgery. Professor Scully is Chairman of the Division of Maxillofacial Diagnostic, Medical and Surgical Sciences at the Eastman.
Patients with the following oral complaints or those with Special Needs can be seen privately by referral:
Dry mouth
Pigmented lesions
Red patches
Sore mouth
Taste disturbances
White patches
Referrals should be made in writing to the address at the foot of this section, using the patient referral form, noting any special medical problems and the degree of urgency.
