Primary and secondary stomatodynia: a difficult diagnosis
Primary and secondary stomatodynia: a difficult diagnosis
Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac. 2007 Oct;124 Suppl 1:S56-67
[Article in French]
Madrid C, Bouferrache K, Biollaz B, Möller P, Toma S.
Service de stomatologie et de médecine dentaire, Polyclinique médicale universitaire, Université de Lausanne, Suisse.
Primary stomatodynia involves mainly women after menopause presenting somatization, depression and anxiety at values higher than control subjects. This chronic pain is often an intense burning pain beginning in the tongue the entire oral cavity, increasing in intensity through the day with a high level of emotional after effects. These patients often describe two associated symptoms: mouth dryness sensation and altered taste. The causes remain uncertain. The participation of female sexual hormones and neuropathic factors has been suggested possibly through a sensory neuropathy of small fibers of the oral mucosa. Normal clinical examinations and non clinical tests differentiate primary from secondary stomatodynia. The management consists in using low doses of topical clonazepam without swallowing or systemic clonazepam. The association of this drug with tricyclic antidepressants has given variable results. A cognitive behavioural management has been successfully attempted.
PMID: 18047866 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
