Personality Disorders in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome
Burning Mouth Syndrome: Author(s): Giuseppe Maina, MD 1 | Umberto Albert, MD, PhD 2 | Sergio Gandolfo, MD 3 | Alberto Vitalucci, MD 4 | Filippo Bogetto, MD 5
(BMS) presents high rates of comorbid Axis I disorders while no controlled studies have addressed the question of Axis II comorbidities. The aim of the present study was to examine DSM�IV (APA, 1994) Axis II comorbidity in BMS patients and to control for the specificity of this association. Seventy BMS patients were compared to a nonpsychiatric population sample and to patients with other Somatoform Disorders for the presence of personality disorders (assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders [SCID-II; First, Gibbon, Spitzer, & Williams, 1997). Prevalence rates were compared using the Pearson's chi square test. At least one personality disorder (PD) was found in 85.7%, 24.3%, and 88.6% of subjects in the three groups, respectively. When examining PD subgroups, significant differences emerged even between the BMS and the somatoform disorder group, with BMS patients showing more Cluster A and fewer Cluster B PDs. Our results suggest that BMS is associated with a specific pattern of Axis II comorbidity.
Author(s) affiliations
1. Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin, Italy
2. Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin, Italy
3. Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, University of Turin, Italy
4. Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin, Italy
5. Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin, Italy
Address correspondence to Prof. Giuseppe Maina, Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neurosciences, University of Turin, Via Cherasco 11-10126 Torino, Italy;
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Bipolar obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorders.
Giuseppe Maina, Umberto Albert, Enrico Pessina, Filippo Bogetto.
Bipolar Disorders | Volume: 9 | Issue: 7 | Pps: 722
