Overview: Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS)
Overview: Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS)
by L.L.Tucker
Hot pepper is a cure for a painful mouth: burning mouth syndrome (BMS).
Millions of Americans today have burning mouth syndrome. Most of them are post-menopausal women.
Today there are dentists in Canada treating burning mouth syndrome with throat lozenges called Capsaicen, that contain the same ingredient that makes cayenne pepper hot.
The pepper lozenges are uncomfortable but within one or two days people will start noticing a reduction in their pain.
many years ago, treatments for burning mouth syndrome have ranged from drinking plenty of water, chewing sugarless gum, to mouth anesthetics and antidepressants.
The Capsaicin lozenges appear to be much more helpful.
The patients suck on three to four lozenges a day, for 3 days more. Then
they slowly taper off them as the (BMS) pain subsides.
In 1996, these lozenges were not available commercially but,today they may be available in pharmacies or can be made in your kitchen.
However, before you try these remedies be sure you get your doctor's approval especially, people with conditions that my cause (BMS), like (diabetes, gastric, reflux, oral yeast infections, etc.).
Trey Petty, D.D.S., associate professor of medicine, University of
Calgary Medical School.
Dissolve 2 cups brown sugar
1/4 Cup molasses
1/2 cup butter
2T. water and 2T. of white vinegar in a heavy pan over low heat.
Boil gently,stirring frequently, until mixture reaches 300*F on a candy
thermometer and separates into hard brittle threads when dropped into water. Stir in 1/2t. cayenne pepper and drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax paper.
Let harden. Store drops at room temperature.
Resource: REMEDY , Prescriptions For A Life, Sept./Oct 1996
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