Nelson Rhodus
Division of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis
7-536 Moos Tower
515 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 625-0693
Fax: (612) 624-0477
Areas of Interest:
1. Physical evaluation
2. Introduction to oral pathology
1. Oral cancer: early detection and chemoprevention
2. Oral manifestations of systemic disease
3. Chronic degenerative autoimmune diseases
4. Sjögren's Syndrome
Honors & Awards:
Outstanding Professor Award, Oral Roberts University 1985
Seids Cup Award, Outstanding Clinician, Oklahoma Dental Association 1985
Outstanding Professor Award, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry 1986-1999
Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America 1987-1988
Outstanding Clinician Award, Minnesota Dental Association Star of the North 1987-88-90
Who's Who in the Midwest 1987-Present
American Academy of Oral Medicine Award of Merit 1988
University of Minnesota Alumni Day 1988
Award of Merit, Sj?gren's Syndrome Foundation 1989
American Cancer Society Outstanding Contribution to Professional Education 1991-1992
Overall Most Outstanding Instructor of Dental School Career, by Class of 1995 1995
Distinguished Alumnus, University of Kentucky College of Dentistry 1997
Morse Alumni Distinguished Professor of Graduate and Professional Education, University of Minnesota 2000
Inductee, University of Minnesota Academy of Distinguished Teachers 2000
Recipient, Bush Fellowship Resource Professor Award 2001,2002
Golden Pen Award, International College of Dentists, Northwest Dentistry 2004
