Improving WomenǃÙs Oral Health: New Strategies For Life-Long Results - July 22nd, 2005
Improving WomenǃÙs
Oral Health:
New Strategies For
Life-Long Results
USC School of Dentistry
Friday, July 22, 2005
9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
USC School of Dentistry
Office of Continuing Education
Phone: 213.821.2127
Fax: 213.740.3973
Men may be from Mars but women have two x
chromosomes. Gender-based biology is identifying
the role female hormones play on various aspects of
oral health. This program examines oral health
throughout a womenǃÙs life. From puberty and
adolescence through young adulthood, to middle and
older adults, this seminar will discuss oral diseases
and conditions affecting girls and women from the
common (caries, periodontal diseases) to the
uncommon (eating disorders, SjogrenǃÙs syndrome,
HIV/AIDS, TMD, and domestic violence). This
multidisciplinary program will address risk factors
and how to identify them clinically. In addition,
strategies for effective prevention and treatment
modalities will be discussed.
ǃ¢ Define womenǃÙs health as it applies to oral
conditions and diseases
ǃ¢ Identify examples of systemic diseases
presenting differently in women and the
implications for oral health
ǃ¢ Understand the oral manifestations and
management of diseases and conditions such as
TMD, domestic violence, elder abuse, SjogrenǃÙs
syndrome, HIV/AIDS, anorexia/bulimia, and
burning mouth
ǃ¢ Identify risk factors and develop preventive
strategies for women at high risk for caries,
periodontal diseases, or oral cancer
ǃ¢ Become familiar with autoimmune and
immunodeficiency disorders, perform diagnostic
work up and interpret test results
ǃ¢ Know the state-of-the-art techniques for
restoration of the worn dentition
ǃ¢ Diagnose and manage gastro-esophageal reflux
ǃ¢ Know what and when to refer
Linda C. Niessen D.M.D., M.P.H.,
Dr. Niessen serves as Vice President of
Clinical Education at DENTSPLY
International. Dr. Niessen also holds a
faculty appointment as Clinical
Professor in the Department of Restorative
Sciences at Baylor College of Dentistry, a member of the Texas
A&M Health Sciences Center, in Dallas, Texas, USA. She has
over 80 publications and is the author of a textbook titled
ǃ?Geriatric Dentistry: Aging and Oral Healthǃ?. She provides
patient care at the Department of Veterans Affairs North Texas
Health Care System in Dallas. She is a diplomate of the
American Board of Dental Public Health and a diplomate in
Special Care Dentistry. Dr. Niessen serves
Mahvash Navazesh, DMD
Dr. Navazesh is an Associate Professor
and the Chair for the Division of
Diagnostic Sciences at the USC School of
Dentistry. Dr. Navazesh received her DMD
degree from the University of
Pennsylvania, as well as her certificates in General Practice,
Oral Medicine Residency and Clinical Research Investigation.
Over the past 20 years she has focused her research interest
on salivary gland hypofunction. She has published papers on
criteria for definition, diagnosis and assessment of
xerostomia and has compared methods for collection and
stimulation of whole mouth saliva.
Terence E. Donovan D.D.S.
Dr. Terry Donovan received his D.D.S. from
the University of Alberta in 1967, and
practiced full time in Regina,
Saskatchewan for 13 years. He received
his Certificate in Advanced Prosthodontics
from the University of Southern California in 1981. He is
currently Professor and Director of the Advanced Education in
Prosthodontics Program at USC, as well as Co-Director for
Division IV: Primary Oral Health Care. He is Past Chairman of
the American Dental AssociationǃÙs Council on Dental
Materials, Instruments and Equipment.
Registration Fees
Before July 1, 2005
ǃ¢Dentist: $175
ǃ¢Auxiliary: $115
After July 1, 2005
ǃ¢Dentist: $195
ǃ¢Auxiliary: $135
Register At The Door
ǃ¢Dentist: $215
ǃ¢Auxiliary: $155
