How to Identify Burning Mouth Syndrome
How to Identify Burning Mouth Syndrome
By Cherie Brunetti (eHow Contributing Writer)
Burning mouth syndrome is a painful and frustrating disorder. The pain can be severe yet there is no evidence of tissue damage. Many people are misdiagnosed or misunderstood by their doctor. The following article discusses how to identify burning mouth syndrome.
Step 1
Look for a continuous, burning sensation that occurs around or in the mouth.
Step 2
It may feel as though you burned your mouth with hot coffee.
Step 3
You may feel burning on your tongue, lips, or hard palate.
Step 4
When you wake up, you may feel fine or only a mild burning. However, as the day progresses, the burning sensation will get worse.
Step 5
You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth.
Step 6
Although the burning sensation can be severe and painful, your tongue and mouth will look normal and healthy.
Tips & Warnings
*The majority of patients who have been identified with burning mouth syndrome have been women over the age of 50. However, anyone can develop this syndrome.
*Burning mouth syndrome is probably the result of nerves that are malfunctioning or overactive.
*The cause of burning mouth syndrome is not understood. Therefore, treatment focuses on symptoms, not cause.
*Secondary causes of burning mouth must be ruled out before a primary diagnosis can be made. Secondary causes include diabetes and anemia.
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