Herbal treatment for Hairy Tongue
Herbal treatment for Hairy Tongue
Friday, August 14th, 2009 at 4:29 pm
Due to the infection of bacteria and yeast on the tongue; there is growth of hair on the tongue. Although, it is a temporary condition; it can be very annoying. Hairy tongue is also known as Lingua Villosa. Usually it is the result bad oral hygiene and at times prolonged medication. Too much imbibing of tea and coffee can also lead to hairy tongue. Excessive smoking and the chewing of tobacco also gives impetus to hairy tongue. Mouthwash is full of chemicals and so it may cause hairy tongue. This disease though; temporary it is very aggravating, as it hinders eating and drinking.
Boswellia is a very effective herbal treatment for hairy tongue. You would need to grind the stem bark of Boswellia dalzielii with alcohol. Boil this concoction and rinse your mouth three times daily with it. However, it is needless to say that the concoction needs to be cooled before gargling with it. Two months of gargling would suffice to get rid of hairy tongue. If you happen to be a passionate smoocher; then a hairy tongue would not do for obvious reasons. A similar herbal treatment for hairy tongue is by the use of Erigeron leaves. The way of using it is also similar. One month of gargling with it would kill all the bacteria.
