Ever heard of burning mouth syndrome?
Ever heard of burning mouth syndrome?
My mom has had problems with her mouth for over 15 years.She has visited so many doctors and specialists and no one knows whats wrong.Someone told us she has burning mouth syndrome, which we think they made up.Her mouth hurts all day every day , her lips and gums are numb but are burning at the same time.It hurts her to talk even for 15 minutes. please if any one has heard of this ,let us know if there is a treatment or doctor she can be referred to?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Yes Burning Mouth Syndrom does exist. However, it's etiology (cause) is often difficult to localize. It can be due to a number of different causes, some possibilities are: Anemia, Vitamin Deficiency, Fungal Infection, Neuropathy, Medicine induced and many other causes. Unfortunately, about 60% of the cases are found to have no known cause (unknown etiology). These cases are typically found in Older Women, often those who are feeling a bit depressed (often divorced or widowed, etc). There is a belief that in these cases it has to do with the depressive state and there is actually no dental cause. If all other causes can be rulled out, then antidepressants can be prescribed. I'm not trying to say that this is what is causing this feeling in your mother, but I have to let you know that it is a possibility. My suggestion is to have your mother referred to an Oral Pathologist to try to localize the cause. Tell her to keep her mouth as moist as possibile (sometimes it is caused by a condition known as Xerostomia (pernounced Zero-Stomia) where the mouth is excessively dry). They have a product called Miracle Mouthwash that has several components that aid in soothing irrative mouth conditions! Hope that this proves helpful!
Asker's Rating:
Thank you . My mother has suffered with depression for many years so that definately makes sense, she lives in Ireland so I'll try and locate an Oral pathologist like you suggested, thanks again.
