Endocrine Diseases Metabolic Diseases Branch
Endocrine Diseases Metabolic Diseases Branch
Metabolic Diseases Branch - (MDB)
Stephen J. Marx, M.D., Chief
Howard A Austin III
James E. Balow, M.D.
Jeffrey B. Kopp, M.D.
J??rgen B. Schnermann, M.D.
William F. Simonds, M.D.
Allen M. Spiegel, M.D.
Robert A. Star, M.D.
Lee S. Weinstein, M.D.
The Metabolic Diseases Branch includes investigators in two broad areas of research. One group, which includes Stephen Marx, William Simonds, and Lee Weinstein, studies signal transduction, particularly as it relates to normal and abnormal endocrine function. Basic research performed in the Branch on heterotrimeric G proteins, G protein-coupled receptors, transcription factors, and the MEN 1 tumor suppressor gene has also been extended into clinical areas involving hormone resistance disorders and endocrine hyperfunction disorders, autoimmune thyroid diseases, and inherited and sporadic endocrine neoplasia.
Another group of investigators focuses on the kidney. The Kidney Disease Section focuses on studies of glomerular diseases. Howard Austin and James Balow conduct clinical studies on patients with lupus nephritis and membranous nephropathy. Jeffrey Kopp performs studies in transgenic models of HIV nephropathy, as well as clinical and genetic studies on HIV nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. The laboratory for renal function and development under Josephine Briggs and Jurgen Schnermann studies physiological and developmental aspects of renal function related to extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure homeostasis. The renal diagnostic and therapeutic unit under Robert Star studies translational approaches to acute renal failure and tool development for studying kidney function.
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Last Updated: September 23, 2004
Scientific Director: Dr. Marvin Gershengorn ; Deputy Scientific Director: Dr. Ira Levin ; Clinical Director: Dr. James E. Balow
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Division of Intramural Research (DIR) is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH). General inquiries may be addressed to Office of Communications and Public Liaison, NIDDK, NIH, Building 31, Room 9A04, 31 Center Drive, MSC 2560, Bethesda, MD 20892-2560, USA.
