Eastman Dental Institute
Eastman Dental Institute
256 Gray's Inn Road
London - WC1X 8LD
General/Patient Enquiries +44 (0)20 7915 1000
With over 50 years of experience the Eastman Dental Institute is a leader in education and research in the oral health care sciences. The Institute serves the needs of the local, national and international graduate dental community. Most clinical teaching is based at the co-located Eastman Dental Hospital.
The staff of the Institute includes distinguished clinicians, teachers and scientists, many of whom are actively involved with international, European and national bodies in the discipline, are editors of leading journals and authors of textbooks and research publications, and examine for the various Royal Colleges. The Eastman has active partnerships with other universities, both in the UK and overseas, and with the Royal Colleges of Surgeons, and is a WHO collaborating Centre. There has been major investment in facilities which has served to enhance teaching, research and clinical activity. Most of the teaching and research facilities are of the very highest standards.
