Cayenne Pepper Helps BMS
Cayenne Pepper Helps BMS
Updated: October 2008
The Academy of General Dentistry’s public Web site
"We've found that topical anesthetics don't help much," Dr. Petty says. "But we've found that getting people to use capsaicin, the natural chemical in cayenne pepper, often does help. Patients can have a pharmacy make up lozenges containing it, or it is available in a prescription cream."
Patients use the cream on the tongue or under the denture. While it may be uncomfortable for the first couple of days, it often is found effective with continued use. Some experts think the chemical simply distracts the patient's attention from the original pain, while others believe it actually alters the nerves sufficiently to decrease pain perception.
Other BMS Treatments
Other medications used to treat the disorder include antibacterials, analgesics, vitamin and mineral replacements, benzodiazepines, antihistamines and antidepressants. It is also thought that hormonal replacement may be another option.
Despite the mystery surrounding BMS, individuals with even minor symptoms should seek treatment to ensure that it is not a sign of a more serious condition.
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