Burning sensation in my tongue
I used to sit on the floor and push my head against the wall as hard as I could while screaming from the pain. I couldn’t even talk to the doctors I went to and now I barely remember how terrible it was like to be in pain. I’m so happy I came here from North Carolina.
Dr. Klemons is the first doctor who ever let me tell him what the entire problem was. The fourteen specialists I went to at the medical schools and private practices gave me almost fifty different medications which never helped and often made me feel really sick or gain weight. I flushed them all down the toilet.
Before I was treated here, I had twenty-five different symptoms. These are just a few of them:
Headaches all over my head
A burning sensation in my tongue and all over my face
Pressure in my ears and eyes that made me feel like they would burst
Difficulty swallowing
Horrible constant ringing in my ears
A crushing feeling in my face under my eyes
It’s just amazing to be without the agonizing pain I had for so long. It’s all gone since the RF procedure. I went shopping the next day. Everyone here is so nice and the therapy is so relaxing.†- Jennifer S.
