Burning mouth can creep up on a person
Burning mouth can creep up on a person
United Press International, Inc
ROCHESTER, Minn., Aug. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say a burning sensation that seems to creep into the tongue as the day progresses could be burning mouth syndrome.
Burning mouth is a complex and frustrating condition to diagnose and treat, according to the Mayo Clinic Health Letter.
Burning mouth syndrome may affect the tongue, lips, gums, palate or throat, but people experience tingling, numbness, a sore mouth or a metallic, bitter taste and it can last a few weeks or for years.
Despite the symptoms, there are no abnormalities in the mouth. It's not contagious or infectious. It can affect anyone, but is more common in people older than 60.
The patient's doctor may change medications. Humidifying the home, drinking more water and using medication to stimulate saliva flow might help, the newsletter says.
Treatment for an underactive thyroid may be initiated underlying medical conditions may also be a factor.
