Burning Tongue Syndrome, Home Remedies to Cool Your Mouth
Burning Tongue Syndrome, Home Remedies to Cool Your Mouth
Big Momma
November 26, 2008
Burning Tongue Syndrome is also known as Burning Mouth Syndrome because not only does the person's tongue feel like it's on fire, so does the gums, the roof of the mouth and the lips. While Burning Tongue Syndrome is not life threatening, it is painful and disturbing. A few prescription
medications are available for Burning Tongue Syndrome, but often fall short in alleviating the burning sensation inside the mouth. Home remedies offer the best way to cool your mouth.
I will list some home remedies to cool your mouth if you suffer from Burning Tongue Syndrome, along with a few more facts about the syndrome.
Burning Tongue Syndrome strikes women after menopause, rarely do men become afflicted with this. It is unknown as to what exactly causes Burning Tongue Syndrome, but it does not indicate an underlying health issue, nor does Burning Tongue Syndrome pose a health threat to the person afflicted with it.
Home remedies to cool your mouth and put out that 'on fire' feeling your mouth has with Burning Tongue Syndrome are as close as your kitchen. Rinsing your mouth with cold apple juice can relieve and cool your mouth. Rinse as often as needed the apple juice.
Other home remedies for Burning Tongue Syndrome are mouthwashes made of equal parts of Benadryl and Kaopectate. Swish this mixture around in your mouth 4 times a day, do not swallow this mixture. If that mouthwash doesn't work, try a mouthwash made by adding 6 drops of Tobasco sauce in a teaspoon of water. Use this mouthwash treatment 4 times per day, swish around mouth and spit. A Tobasco sauce mouthwash might seem counter-productive in an attempt to cool your mouth, but it is thought that Burning Tongue Syndrome might be caused from malfunctioning nerves in the mouth and tongue, adding more heat to the mouth sometimes does actually cool the mouth.
This Tobasco sauce mouthwash might increase the burning sensation in the mouth at first, but by the second day of use it should work to cool your mouth. If you get no relief with these home remedies, abandon them and try something else.
Other things you can do to lessen the severity of Burning Tongue Syndrome- don't eat or drink spicy or acidic foods and beverages. Don't use mouthwashes with alcohol in them. Change your brand of toothpaste and try chewing sugarless gum.
If the home remedies for Burning Tongue Syndrome fail to cool your mouth, see your doctor for prescription medications like Klonopin, Elavil or Neurontin, one of which may help cool your mouth.
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