Burning Mouth Syndrome: Study of the Psychological, Neuromuscular, and Functional Factors Associated with Burning Mouth Syndrome
Burning Mouth Syndrome: Study of the Psychological, Neuromuscular, and Functional Factors Associated with Burning Mouth Syndrome
General Session of the International Association for Dental Research (June 25-28, 2003)
H.E. LANFRANCHI, A. MIRANDA, M. MAZZULLA, M.L. VELASCO, and N. DO REGO, University of Buenos Aires. Argentina, Argentina
OBJECTIVES: BMS has been defined as a burning sensation in areas of the oral cavity. Where local, systemic and psychological factors were found to be associated to the presence of BMS, but its etiology is still unknown.In this study investigation was done to establish how neuromuscular, functional and psychological factors influence in the diagnosis and treatment of BMS.
METHODS: The clinical study of patients was done in the department of Oral Medicine. A total of 445 patients were diagnosed with BMS, 50 were treated interdisciplinary, 40(80%) females, M= 65, 36 of age and 10(20%) males, M=56,11of age. Data was collected by clinical charts, observation, palpating, video filming and psychological tests.50 patients were diagnosed with BMS, 30% were Type 1, 62% were Type 2 and 8% were Type 3.
RESULTS: 92% of the patients presented oral mucosa lesions, 32% presented erythema on the tip of the tongue, 44% hypertrophy of filiform papillaes, 22% indentations of the tip of the tongue, 14% a eryhematous retracuspid papillae and 20% atrophy of the tip of the tongue. 100% of the patients presented a dysfunctional stomatognatic system (93, 62% respiration, 97, 87% deglutition, 97, 8% mastication and 85, 11% speech) and 64% had para functional habits. Psychological screening was administered according to the HADS Scale (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and CR I (Coping Response Inventory). The data obtained from the Anxiety scale was M=9.28, SD=3.61 and from the Depression scale, M=6.36, SD=3.22.
CONCLUSIONS: The information acquired was compared to a control group with the same clinical characteristics but not diagnosed with BMS. The results confirm a significant difference between both study groups.
The study confirms how the neuromuscular, functional and psychological factors influence in the Burning Mouth Syndrome.
This investigation was possible by grant O 003 given from the University of Buenos Aires.
