Burning Mouth Syndrome
After a successful treatment of a patient with BMS, he responded to a blog on the relief of his pain. (go4hope.org) Since September, I have been corresponding with BMS patients all over North America and the UK to determine if the manual treatment that was done can help others. I am in the process of treating more patients and will keep you posted
After treating several BMS patients since September I have reached some conclusions regarding the syndrome. Firsty, it has a differenc cause in every patient but usually involved trauma to the tongue or trauma induced through dental work or tooth extraction. Secondly, I believe that the cause is due to damage to the local cranial nerves, nerve ganglions or nerves that serve the tongue, and maxilla. Thirdly, there is often TMJ involvement. Most of the patients I have treated (only once or twice) have had moderate to excellent results. Chronicity of the problem does not seem to matter. My treatments involve cranial sacral work, cervical fasical release work, cranial nerve releases, ganglion release techniques, unwinding the tongue and stretching the involved nerves. My results to date involve 11 patients and I have made some changes for the better in most of them. Time will tell and maybe some more treatments on some of the patients is indicated. The more I treat patients the more I learn how complex a problem it is. I do believe that mechanical problems to the nerves that serve the tongue and maxilla are the root of the pathology.