BURNING MOUTH SYNDROME - Clinical Research Message Board
Question posted by MARTINA JORDAN-MORROW (MUSTANGTINA@HOTMAIL.COM) on 12:2:30 2/7/2001
hello, i'm not sure if what i am suffering from is actually burning mouth syndrome. since july 2000 i am suffering from an inflamed mouth, throat and a burning tongue (especially the tip). it started out with a numb feeling that was followed by a fiery red burning mouth a couple of days later. i have seen a dentist, internist, 2 family practioners, 2 ear nose & throat doctors and 2 allergists. nobody seems to know what causes my constantly burning tongue. i have been tested for:thyroid, diabetes, hiv, iron & vitamin b12 deficiency, lupus, acid reflux (x-ray), biopsy of the tongue (result was acute inflamation and a culture test to check for candida. i have been prescribed:nystatin, diflucan, sporanox (anti fungal medications), allegra for allergies, provacid for anti reflux, prednisone (cortisone pills for glossitis), singulair for asthma and valtrex for viral infections. needless to say i feel like a lab rat. nothing seems to help. i use lidocaine gel to numb the burning, but i doesn't work well. i am open for any suggestions. please help.
