AGD - 2005 AGD Annual Meeting & Exhibition - July 13-17
AGD - 2005 AGD Annual Meeting & Exhibition
The AGD has planned an annual meeting from July 13-17, in Washington, D.C., that promises to be a very memorable experience for you, your dental team, and your family. Get in on the ground floor of excellent CE courses, meaningful networking, and enjoyable socializing.
Education > This year's educational program offers more, shorter courses, ranging from 90 minute lectures to multiple day hands-on workshops. Visit the Education Lineup page to search for courses by date, subject code or course number.
Exhibits > Your full meeting registration includes a 3 day pass to the exhibit hall, opening with a welcome reception on Thursday, July 14, with food, entertainment, and special show discounts. To make it more convenient for you to take advantage of this one-stop, shopping experience, exhibit hall hours have been extended and feature exclusive hours. View the many 2005 exhibitors already joining us this year. Exhibitors are searchable by name or product category.
Location, Location, Location > the Marriott Wardman Park will host this year's meeting and serve as the headquarters hotel. The Marriott Wardman Park, located near popular Washington, D.C. landmarks, is convenient to the Metro and is surrounded by dining, shopping, and entertainment. Visit the housing page for details on how to reserve rooms at a discounted rate at the Marriott Wardman Park or the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
Social Activities > Because this is the only meeting geared toward the entire dental team, we have planned all-attendee activities for you and your team to relax together. For details on events like the keynote speaker, Tucker Carlson, the performance of notorious political humorist troupes, "The Capitol Steps", and more, please visit special events.
Tours > From its symbols of American patriotism to its undiscovered neighborhoods, the sights and sounds of the U.S. capital inspire millions of visitors every year. Washington, D.C. is packed with famous sights, free attractions and museums, and an endless calendar of special events. For a tour line-up and schedule, visit the tours page, where attendees, their guests and family can register.
Don't forget that the deadline for pre-registration savings is June 15, 2005. Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of 2005 AGD Annual Meeting & Exhibition! Register today!
The AGD 2005 Annual Meeting & Exhibition is held in conjunction with the
American Dental Assistants Association and the
American Association of Women Dentists.
