34 Menopause Symptoms
Burning Tongue
Burning tongue can be a very irritating and painful symptom of menopause. Just like the name suggests, burning tongue occurs when an individual experiences a burning sensation on the tongue. Everyone has sipped a beverage such as coffee or tea that is too hot and burned her tongue. This is the sensation that those who suffer from burning tongue experience constantly.
Burning tongue affects women seven times as often as men. Women going
burning tongue
through hormonal transitions, such as the time leading up to menopause, are at an even greater risk of developing the symptom, because hormonal imbalance is known to cause burning tongue. Continue reading to learn more about burning tongue, its causes, and the options available to treat burning tongue.
About Burning Tongue
Also known as burning mouth syndrome, burning tongue has a self-explanatory name. It also goes by its medical names: glossodynia, glossopyrosis, oral galvanism, stomatodynia and stomatopyrosis. Burning tongue is accompanied by burning pain on the tongue, especially on the tip or back of the tongue, or other areas of the mouth.
Burning mouth pain is often absent during the night but progressively increases throughout the day and into the evening.
Following the onset, which is often instantaneous, burning tongue has been known to last for several years. There are typically no visible signs or lesions on the tongue or mouth in those who suffer from it.
On the left are some other common symptoms of burning tongue.
Continue reading to learn more about the causes of burning tongue.
